Welcome at the Ecomuseum Ruze

Dear visitors, due to the emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic and the accompagnying regulations by the Czech Governement, all our cultural actions have been cancelled and the Czech Emigration Museum and the Novohradska Blacksmith Workshop are closed to the public until further notice.


introThe Ecomuseum Ruze envisions drawing attention to our region in eastern South Bohemia by creating a “museum without walls”. Nature, culture, and history are interpreted on site, involving local communities and using stories, sites, trails, monuments, and other symbols. The key is presenting the regional heritage as a living, dynamic process.

forging with kids
The core of the Ecomuseum is a network of historical workshops and working places. Other sites of high natural or cultural heritage value in the landscape will be highlighted as well.

The Czech Emigration Museum Kojakovice and the Historic Novohradska Forge in Nove Hrady are the main visitor centers for the Ecomuseum Ruze.


Czech Emgiration Museum

The Museum is open from 1 June until 30 September
daily from 10:00-17:00 hours, Thursdays closed.

Visits outside opening hours is possible after agreement in advance,
please inquire at tel. +420 724 132 180


Novohradska Forge

The Novohradska Forge is open from 1 May until 30 September
daily from 10:00-17:00 hours.

Visits outside opening hours is possible after agreement in advance,
please inquire at tel. +420 724 132 180