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Town of Nové Hrady
(New Castle)
Municipality of JíloviceKojakvoice Peasant and Emigration Museum
aka Czech Emigration Museum
Dear visitors, due to the emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic and the accompagnying regulations by the Czech Governement, all our cultural actions have been cancelled and the Czech Emigration Museum and the Novohradska Blacksmith Workshop are closed to the public until further notice.
The Kojakovice Peasant and Emigration Museum tells about how people lived and worked in the rural South Bohemia of a century and more ago. It also explains reasons for emigration to the USA and Canada, and the fate of the Czech emigrants on the great plains of the Midwest.
We have also an exhibition dedicated to modern use of traditional crafts. At right a purse decorated with fish scales, a craft and local product truly unique in Europe. Most of these local products can be bought in our gift shop; helping the local producers.
Visitors can go their own way or get a guided tour. Outside we have seating place to rest or enjoy the sun and some of our refreshment we sell.
More information on the Kojakovice Museum, opening times, and location are on the website of the museum
The Peasant and Emigration Museum Kojakovice is the main documentation and information center of the Ecomuseum Ruze. The museum is open for public from June through September and on appointment. The Museum is operated by the Rozmberk Society; the main coordinator and promoter of the Ecomuseum Ruze concept.
Czech Emigration museum Kojákovice
tel.: +420 724 132 180
e-mail: info@ekomuzeum.cz