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Town of Nové Hrady
(New Castle)
Municipality of JíloviceNovohradska Forge
The smithy in Nove Hrady
Dear visitors, due to the emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic and the accompagnying regulations by the Czech Governement, all our cultural actions have been cancelled and the Czech Emigration Museum and the Novohradska Blacksmith Workshop are closed to the public as of october 12, 2020 until further notice.
In the center of Nove Hrady,on the road between the town square and the Old Castle, you can find the historic cultural memory "The Novohradska Forge". Since 2002, the forge has first been leased by blacksmith Daniel Cerny and since 2004 by our Society.
The historic workshop and accompanying living quarters are fully and functionally restored to a historic blacksmith workshop focussed on local traditional crafts and products. The old stable and the barn house exhibitions on the traditions of blacksmithing, coal mining, and other local traditions, displaying original maps and locally made tools and utensils. The interior of the living quarters is restored in its 19th century glory and is used for special events and as information and education center on traditional crafts and products
Smithy from the outside and and the oven in the main roomDaniel Cerny continues to collaborates with us in numerous public actions and projects for preserving traditional crafts and old folk traditions (Easter, Mikulaus, and Christmas events). He is the lead blacksmith in our blacksmith meetings. In addition, the forge is also used as a learning place for both hobbyists and students following a technical education and needing blacksmith practice.
Blacksmith action in 2008, making new crosses for the pelgrimage trails in the region.
Breakfast in front of the forge.The Novohradska Forge is open from 1 May until 30 September
daily from 10 - 17 hours
Visits outside opening hours is possible after agreement in advance,
please inquire at tel. +420 724 132 180Czech Emigration museum Kojákovice
tel.: +420 724 132 180
e-mail: info@ekomuzeum.cz