Nové Hrady - The Baroque Pharmacy

Trail "People and their Landscape"

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ApatykaThe house # 14 was built in 1556 by Jakob Größing, shoemaker by profession. The shoe making trade continued in this location for more than a century. As of the year 1682, for over two centuries the house was used as bakery. As of 1891, it has known several uses. However, it was never used as a pharmacy.

In the year 1998, town authorities decided that the interior of a baroque pharmacy would be installed in the ground floor of the newly restored building. This interior was found back recently during restoration work on the historic Nove Hrady castle. It had been stored and forgotten there in the 1960s after the old pharmacy at the main square (house # 43) had been closed.

History of Pharmacy in Nove Hrady
Apatyka 2The origin of pharmacies in Nove Hrady reaches back into the 17th century. At that time, the Count of Buquoy established a pharmacy in the Residence. This „Court Pharmacy“ was richly equipped with medicines, receptacles, and technical facilities and tools for the preparation of medicines. The pharmacy was later transferred to the Monastery and managed by the Servites. However, their facility quickly became outdated and below official standard and subsequently was closed. Permission to establish a new pharmacy was granted in 1775, which took up location on the town square in house # 43.

Toady, one does not have to fear medieval medicine or medical tools when entering the Baroque Pharmacy in house # 14; for sale here are only herbs and teas. In addition, the joy of observing this wonderfully restored pharmacy interior adds another balsam to the soul.


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