Trail section Nové Hrady

Trail "People and their Landscape"

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It is worth the journey to visit New Hrady. This is a small historic border town that throughout its entire history has gone through dramatic changes and now is taking great care to present its rich history. There are permanent exhibitions on the development of the town and its historic castles and palace. The town also harbors a re-activated monastery and blacksmith workshop. On some houses in town you can see BeeTagg and QR-Code signs. Using your mobile phone (camera and internet connection needed) you can download interesting information about that location into your mobile phone. We recommend you to visit the historic blacksmith shop, which is located between the square and the castle. In the summer there are blacksmiths demonstrating their craft and you will be able to visit the interior of the forge and the smith’s house with exhibitions on the life and skills of local people..

Where in Nove Hrady can you find BeeTagg and QR Code shields?

Mapka Nové Hrady

1   Introduction 9    Pharmacy
2   Townhall 10  Church
3   Town Square 11  Monastery
4   Smithy 12  Czech Home
5   Old Castle 13  New Palace
6   Czech School 14  Palace garden
7   Fire Depot 15  Cemetery and mausoleum
8   Residence  


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